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  1. Danny said…

    I just made my reservations for C-town! I hope to see you all there. It’s been a long time.

    – Danny in Boston

  2. Danny said…

    I need to know which evening this will be taking place. Thanks.

    – Danny

  3. Esrati said…

    We’re planning this for Labor Day Weekend.
    Friday Sept. 2nd- dinner-
    Saturday, 3 Sept- picnic-
    rain date is the 4th- sunday.
    all 2005.

  4. Danny said…

    David, does this mean there won’t be anything Saturday night? I probably won’t be able to go to pinic on Saturday (if moved to Sunday, I might be able to go), but I’ll plan on an evening event, whether Friday or Saturday.

    It will be nice to see you and all the other old folks again!


    – Danny

  5. Esrati said…

    I don’t know who Danny thinks the “Other old folks” are- but, we’ll let him come anyway.
    At this point- Saturday Night is your night to either continue on with your picnic buddies- or to do as you please.
    We are on for Friday night- the hall is reserved- and we are still working out the picnic location.

  6. Danny said…

    That’s awesome. Can’t wait.

    – Danny

  7. […] There is a new page- with who is coming- sort of. Since many people said “Maybe” when we started- we need to get actual confirmations now- remember- price goes up at the end of July. So- e-mail us, tell us where our classmates are. Send money. Let’s get together and have a good time. Michelle and I probably won’t do this again until the 35th. So this may be the last time for a while. Please help us out. And remember to go to the Update your information page to give us your latest info- and tell us if you are coming. […]

  8. avramj said…

    Alright David and Michelle, I’m in for this year’s party, so you can add my name to the list. Check’s in the mail.

    Michelle, I’d like to know if you have a contact for ginny minor-pursley; I’d love to change her froma mybe to a yes.


  9. […] We will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and hardware at the picnic, we’d appreciate if you bring your own beverages and a covered dish if you can. We are still working out the details. If anyone wants to help out, Michelle Ellis and David Esrati would sure appreciate it. Thanks to Paul Appleton for helping find the Party center, and to Michelle for handling all the details in Cleveland. Even if you aren’t going to come, we’d love to have your updated info- so please fill out the form here. […]

  10. HeidiO said…

    Hi David, sorry i (Heidi Jefferis O’Neill) missed the deadline, but you can add myself and Stephanie Cuthbert Norman to the meet at the restaurant if you are still doing it.

  11. […] At some point 2 things will have to happen- we’ll figure out where we are going to meet for dinner- and- we’ll tell the people who have told us they will be there. The rest of you- well, you didn’t make reservations- you didn’t tell us you are coming- so – you don’t need to know. So- if you are going to be in and around Cleveland on Friday, 2 September, 2005- and you don’t have anything else to do- and think you might want to hang out with these people, it’s time to respond to this e-mail by either replying- or going to the site- and updating your info- with will attend- and if you are planning on bringing someone- we need to know that too- […]

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